He was born in 1986 in the village of Kadyrkul, Akzhayik district, West Kazakhstan region. A graduate of Bazartobe secondary school. Graduated from the Pedagogical College named after H. Dosmukhambetov. For the first time, in 2004, he took part in the studies of the republican IU Abai and took 3rd place. He performed at the commemoration of A. Ishchanov, the grand prize winner of the poets' feast of the district "Youth energy-2" festival, "The burning past of a young life". He was awarded the prize in the "Zyr Duldili" debates organized on the occasion of the regional language month and the 100th anniversary of T.Zharokov. He won the main prize named after H. Abilov at the regional feast held on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Taskala district, the republican poets' feast "Half a century of summer feast". Currently, he is working in the regional Kadyr center.