He was born on March 30, 1979 in the village of Kadyrkul, Bazartobe rural district, Akzhayik district, West Kazakhstan region. In 1996, he graduated from Taipak village secondary school. For the first time in 2001, he took part in the district poets' feast and won a prize, and received a ticket to the Nauryz feast held in Ural. 3rd place in the contest held in Shingyrlau district, A. held in Zhankala district. 1st place in the regional feast dedicated to the memory of Ishchanov, winner of the 1st place in the regional feast held in Terekti district two years in a row. In 2013, he won the title of "Poet of the Region" at the regional festival held in Syrym district. In July 2020, he became a reporter for the social-political newspaper "Zhaiyk Tany" of Akzhayik district, and since 2021 he has been a first-class reporter.