He was born on January 6, 1993 in the village of Zhuban, Akzhayik district, West Kazakhstan region. In 2011, he graduated from Talap secondary school, and in 2013, he graduated from the Ural humanitarian and technical college with the specialty "Library". Member of the International Union of Aytis poets and singer-songwriters. Since 2013, he has been the head of the "I-lib" community center of the Zhuban rural library. Winner of the awards "Young Poet", "Best of the Year - 2012", "Best Student" of the Youth Award of the BKO. In 2012, he became the poet of the region, this year he won the 1st place at the regional poets' feast "Zhuban eli-song world", in 2013 he won the "Young poet" title in the field of literary creativity at the "Zhayik wave" festival of local history, in 2015, it was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Zhaiyk festival. won the 2nd place in the republican contest "Zhalindagan Zhayik Zhyr". The 2nd prize winner of the republican "Sholpan Star of Aitys" regional-republican poets' aytis. 1st place in the regional "Zhayik tany-song morning" event held on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the district newspaper "Zhayik tany", the main prize winner of the republican young poets' event held in Kaztalov district on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of independence. 2016 year.