He was born on June 10, 1940 in the village of Kyzylzhar, Akzhayik district, West Kazakhstan region. In 1957, he graduated from secondary school with a silver medal, entered the Kazakh State Institute of Agriculture and Economy in Almaty, and graduated in 1962 with the specialty of engineer-mechanic. He gets a job as a mechanic in Almaly village of Akzhayik district. He worked as a chief engineer in the district agricultural association, "Selkhoztehnika" institution. In 1985, he was appointed director of the state farm named after Ya. Sverdlov of Zhanibek district. Since 1966, he worked as an engineer-mechanic at Batystransgaz JSC. After reflecting on the ways of life, he published a collection of stories called "Ake Amanat" in order to remember the honorable names of the father's legacy, representatives of the older generation and his contemporaries.