He was born on July 7, 1957 in the village of Algabas, Akzhayik district, West Kazakhstan region. In 1964 - 1974, he graduated from the Kirov secondary school in the village of Algabas. High education. Graduated from the Ural Pedagogical Institute in the specialty of natural science. In 1994, he graduated from the madrasa in the city of Ural, organized the Chapaev Muslim mosque and was appointed to the post of imam. From 1997 to 2020, he taught at secondary general education school named after M. Auezov No. 2 in the village of Chapaev. In 2011, taking into account his achievements in sports, he participated in the 7th Winter Asian Games of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a torch bearer on behalf of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2018, he participated in the regional Paralympic Games. In the period from 2012 to 2019, he received many awards for his success in education and upbringing of the younger generation. In 2014, he was the chairman of the Akzhayik district "Tanym" protection and assistance center against destructive religious movements, in 2015 he was a non-professional mediator in the district court. In 2018, he defended the honor of the WKC in the field of mediation and won the title of "Best Mediator" in the republican competition. In 2019, he defended the honor of the region in the field of religion and won the title of "Best Lecturer" in the republican competition. In 2017, "The integrity of religion is the unity of the country", in 2018, "Kurak korpe", "Jangyryk", religiously oriented methodological tools, "Kurak Korpe", "Jangyryk" were published in 2018. In March 2024, he won the 1st place in the batagoy contest organized by the "Village Party" and received a ticket to the Merke resort.