He was born on May 27, 1942 in the village of Terekti, Bokei Ordasy district, West Kazakhstan region. Since 1952, he lives in the village of Mergen, Akzhayik district. Since 1963, he worked at the Kuibyshev state farm as an assistant shepherd, mechanic, car driver, and while doing this work, he actively participated in the state farm's circle of artists. He participated in various sports competitions defending the honor of the state farm and district. The national game of Kazakh is one of the first promoters of togyzkumalak. Participated in many regional and regional art competitions and was awarded with various prizes. While promoting the tunes of the ancient musicians of West Kazakhstan, he is engaged in producing tunes himself. In 2008, he won the grand prize in the regional competition "Kartarym-kazynam". The books "Oy-ornek" and "Otkenge Izet" were published.