Kaiypov Zhenis Zhalauovych

Kaiypov Zhenis Zhalauovych was born on May 12, 1965, in the village of Peromai, Akzhayik District, West Kazakhstan Region. In 1972, he enrolled in School No. 2 in the village of Chapayev. In 1980, he completed the 8th grade and entered the SPТU-83 in the same village. In 1983, he graduated and was drafted into the army in the fall of the same year. In December 1985, he returned from the army. In 1986, he moved to Almaty in search of work and started working as a concrete worker at the Trust AJS SMU-20. During this time, on December 16, 17, and 18, 1986, he participated in protests in Brezhnev Square, raising the flag of national pride and expressing his opposition to Soviet totalitarian policies. He currently resides in the village of Chapayev, Akzhayik District, West Kazakhstan Region, at 84 O. Isayev Street, and works in the construction industry.

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Musagalieva Roza Sakenovna

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Driving directions

West Kazakhstan region, Akzhaik district, Chapaevo village, Kunaev street, house 73
Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00